Posted by on 2024-03-30
It's only been about a century since, if you wanted to hear music, you either had to play or sing it yourself or get somebody else to do it for you. Sure, the first music recording was made back in 1860, by a Frenchman, Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville, and, sure, the phonograph (but not in a form we'd recognize it today) was invented in 1877 by Thomas Edison, but it wasn't until 1925 that electrical recording came along and made buying a record for an evening of listening a practical reality. And it wasn't until the 1940s that even any attempt was made to record and reproduce what we now call "High Fidelity" sound. Before then, if you wanted to listen to music at home, you either had to make it yourself or invite people over to make it for or with you.