Posted by on 2024-02-24
Yes, the very famous words by none other than the original Willy Wonka, a movie-famous chocolatier who single-handedly saved a society. Mr. Wonka was quite the eccentric inventor, a man who demanded only the very best... including using a waterfall to mix and churn his chocolate. What does any of this have to do with Audio Note UK? Many within the industry have known Peter Qvortrup for decades; he is without a doubt a sensational showman. Peter is also the man who decades ago placed ads within print magazines with so many tweak / custom parts and bits that the text was nearly unreadable! Hand-wound silver transformers, Black Gate capacitors, non-magnetic Tantalum silver resistors.... The list read like Parts Porn for us solder-jockeys back in the day. It's like you'd call to buy an Oto SE and wind up buying an Audio Note Ongaku. How does something like that happen? Well, let me tell you....